Friday 21 March 2014

Be the voice of South Africa this human rights day

We have recently celebrated the public holiday of Human Rights Day on the 21st of March; but honestly how many of you out there view this as anything else but a day in the sun over a braai cooking the traditional boerewors over some hot coals while chatting to friends and sipping beer?

Human Rights Day is a serious holiday; on Monday, 21 March in 1960 police opened fire on a crowd that had gathered at the Sharpeville station that were protesting against the unfair and cruel pass laws. No fewer than 69 unarmed people were shot dead in cold blood with a further 180 injured.  

The great thing about South Africa is that we are now a democracy where everyone has the freedom and the privilege to speak out about what they think and what they feel about anything and everything, are able to vote and  in power today happen to be women, which is a far cry from the 60’s!

Whether you are campaigning improvement s in the service in our libraries, hospitals and schools, we have devised a user-friendly site for you, the consumer, to talk the talk if there is something that needs to be said.

The power of speech is indeed powerful

For example – what is your opinion on our Mass Media in this country – do we really have the freedom of speech and are we really able to say things the way we want them said about our Government and the way in which the country is being run?

Do you feel that the Mass Media are making a media circus, for example, of the Oscar Pistorius case?  What is your personal opinion about our TV stations, and how they are run. Do you feel that some of the DJ’s on the various radio stations are way out of line or are there certain programmes that blow you away every time you switch on to listen and would love to compliment them?

We are the voice of South Africa – if you don’t tell it like it is no-one will hear you. Reviews have been devised to give you that voice – all you need to do is to use it.

So be part of the movement and #haveyoursay

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